NDIS in Business | New compliance pathways

April 2, 2019

Some good news today for businesses within the NDIS providing supports against the Early Childhood and Therapeutic Supports categories.

The NDIS Commission are fixing the algorithm that was sending providers to comply with the full Core module plus the Early Childhood module of the Practice Standards and we can reveal what the new pathway will look like.

New compliance pathway for businesses

The new compliance pathway for businesses offering Early Childhood and Therapeutic Supports will be:

–  This will still be a Certification Pathway which will involve a one-day desktop audit and a one day site visit.

–  The modules that a business will have to demonstrate compliance with will be:

>  The Verification module outcomes

>  The Early Childhood module

>   Module 3A – which is one outcome from the Core module ‘ Violence, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and Discrimination’

–   Another significant change is the removal of the mandatory 2 – auditor requirement with just a single auditor able to conduct this audit.

Of course, the million dollar question is – how much is this going to save businesses?

At first glance, there will be a significant saving in preparation time. Rather than demonstrating compliance with all 87 Quality Indicators within the Core module as well as the Early Childhood module, a business will have to demonstrate compliance against just 3 Quality Indicators from the Core plus the Early Childhood module as well as the four outcomes of the Verification module which we cover in our one-day Masterclass.

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Thanks to our friends at SAI Global, we understand there will be a significant reduction in audit costs.

What should you do now? Wait to hear from the NDIS Commission about the next steps!