China Week Business Forum

September 10, 2018

The China Business Forum, as part of Newcastle China Week 2018, seeks to start dialogues to harness Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 

Global economic growth is sustained by inherent innovation-driven comparative advantages among the nations. Artificial intelligence and robotics, internet of things, smart technologies, biomedical breakthroughs and many other modern-day advances have transformed and enhanced our day-to-day life. It takes entrepreneurship to bring innovative ideas to fruition.

The Master Class delivered by the Business Centre team will follow, bringing together collaborators, entrepreneurs and both local and Chinese investors. This intimate session will provide opportunities for open discussion and allow specific insights to be gained into different propositions, funding sources, and market reach.

Designed to give businesses and students alike an in-depth taste of the huge opportunities in Chinese and Hong Kong markets for entrepreneurs.

Get guidance from local and international experts on how you can access opportunities locally and abroad. The Master Class will include a presentation from Hong Kong expert Dr Luca De Leonardis, from Invest HK and Newcastle based entrepreneur recently returned from a scholarship trip to China, Sahil Harriram Co-Founder of Elite Robotics, along with more in-depth discussion from Westpac Bank. There will be a world café discussion time where attendees will be able to learn from these experts by diving deep into a discussion about accessing opportunities in the Newcastle innovation ecosystem and in China. You will also hear from Newcastle student and rocketry guru Kenyon McMahon who is an Alumni of the pilot iSTEM Commercialisation program delivered by Regional Development Australia (RDA) – Hunter’s ME-Program and the Business Centre.