5 tips for business owners during the holidays

April 17, 2019

Switching off can be tough for a business owner, here are five useful tips to get you through the holidays and give yourself the chance to really relax.

1. Let your customers know

Set your customers’ expectations. Let them know when you will be available during the holiday break. This will help you manage their expectations and give them plenty of time to plan around your shut down period! We like setting our email auto response with a short message when we will be back. We also post our closure dates on our social media pages. 

2. Put your device down

One sure way not to relax during your well-deserved break is being glued to your device. It is all too tempting to hear a bing and race to your phone to check the latest order or customer enquiry. 

3. Set a schedule

We know being 100% off the grid is not an option for every business owner. We suggest setting a 30-minute window where you can steal away to check your inbox, make an urgent call or check stock levels. This schedule will help you stay present with your family, friends and loved ones over the holiday break. 

4. Contact your last 10

If you work on projects for your clients, it is helpful to contact the most recent contacts in your inbox. That way you can schedule any urgent tasks and set stakeholder/ contractor expectations. This will also make for a smooth return to work. 

5. Enjoy!

No really! This may sound simple, but you have worked hard and earned this break. Put guilt aside and value this time you now have to relax, gain clarity and recharge for the next leg of the year! 

Check out our closing times over the Easter Holiday break!